Saturday, August 27, 2005

My Battle Cry

Once I was on the sidelines
Now I am fighting the war
But no victory comes my way
And the wounds are piling up

When will enough be enough?
It is becoming almost too much to bear
I find myself wishing for a fatal blow to stop the pain
And I am scared

I feel so alone in my army
My enemy attacks from all sides
Just when I regroup, a new attack is launched

Lord, I sit almost defeated, wanting to give up
The flame of hope is burning low
I am so tired of this
And anger burns red beneath the surface

But as I lay wounded, I find the strength to cry out
Lord, be my deliverer
I rebuke this enemy who attacks my worth, my beauty, my hopes

To him I say,
Though you come for me directly, through my brokenness and my pain
Though you come for me through the brokenness of others, launching arrow after arrow
Though you come for me as a wolf in sheep’s clothing
You cannot trick me
You cannot have me

Though you have injured me and have caused me great suffering, my spirit is not broken
You will not distract me from my calling
You cannot have me
You cannot have me

I am my Father’s daughter, and I will believe in what He says to me
Lies cannot take root
Truth will prevail

I pull myself up with strength from my God
The battle continues
And my battle cry is heard again another day


agirloutthere said...

What a mighty voice God has given you!

agirloutthere said...

Be prepared. You're up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet. --Eph 6:13

sheplaysamartin said...

most excellent poem... keep crying out!

Anonymous said...

I pray that God honors your prayer for strength and that your flame is fanned.

Anonymous said...

7Even though others succumb all around,

drop like flies right and left,

no harm will even graze you.

8You'll stand untouched, watch it all from a distance,

watch the wicked turn into corpses.

9Yes, because GOD's your refuge,

the High God your very own home,

10Evil can't get close to you,

harm can't get through the door.

11He ordered his angels

to guard you wherever you go.

12If you stumble, they'll catch you;

their job is to keep you from falling.

13You'll walk unharmed among lions and snakes,

and kick young lions and serpents from the path.