Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Being Random

I have some serious stuff rattling around up in this head of mine, and I am getting it down in writing when I can. I'm sure I will share some as soon as I find time to pull it together. But for now, the small portion of my brain not processing the serious stuff is still available to generate random thoughts and to create random thoughts from everyday experiences. I love being random, so here I go...

I like words. I am pretty good at using them. And I get really excited when I have the opportunity to use certain words in everyday conversation. One of my favorites is "moot." When that comes up, it is a banner day. Today I found a new one..."heist." I actually had a reason to use the word "heist" today. Someone else actually noticed the mad skills it took to find that opportunity, and we shared a side glance. And it made me happy. It is the little things in life that make me smile :-)


Bragg said...

Both 'moot' and 'heist' are great words to bring forth from the lexicon into everyday vernacular. I will however give you $1 if you can implement the words 'muckrake', 'multifarious', and/or 'mercurial' into your next conversation.

Obviously one of these words is crazy easier to utilize than the others, but I think it will still provide a bit of a challenge.

Anonymous said...

I will give you $2 if you can get all three words in the same conversation.......................

sheplaysamartin said...

in my mercurial teen years, i once wanted to change the world and muckrake within multifarious forms of media (print, tv, etc.). (it's true. i started college as a journalism major, but changed majors pretty early on.)

heck yes, i think someone owes me enough for lunch at wendy's. :)

inside jokes and the side glances spawned by them are the best. :)

stinkowoman said...

I am in awe at Candyce's mad skills. Go, sista!