Saturday, August 06, 2005


Oh Helmet, My Helmet
I revel in the sound
For you protect my cranium
Keep it intact and round

I know you are borrowed
And “Goodbye” I must say
What thrashing and crying
Will occur on that day

But I know in my being
My soul and my heart
That even though you will leave me
Even though we must part

Your legacy will live on
Just like the day you came
And you will be memorialized forever
As my new nickname
-For two very special lady HydroSeals

Yes, if you haven’t heard, it is true. I have a new nickname (it’s Helmet in case that’s not obvious by now). Well, really only a few people are using it, but I hope it takes off because it’s a little freaky how excited I am about this. I mean, I am writing ridiculously bad poetry (you didn’t think that was a serious piece of art, did you?) – not many things inspire me to do that. But, I have never had a real nickname before, so I can’t contain my excitement. I am also a little relieved, because it seems as though a lot of people have been calling me variations on the name “Ass” lately (e.g., jack-, dumb-, other less clean versions…). Hopefully, Helmet will overtake that somewhat disturbing trend.

Part of the reason I really like this name (Helmet, that is – not Ass) is because it was given to me by two new friends (go Seals!) who are very different than me in many ways yet the same in so many, too. And in just hanging out, having fun, and being open to the experience, we get the opportunity to learn more and more about one another. It amazes me that I just met these ladies recently, but the nickname actually fits really well for reasons that they have no clue about yet (those of you who know me know how well the name Helmet fits me). And this whole experience came about by just putting myself out there and being myself – my silly and very often embarrassing self. The result is the opportunity to get to know two wonderful women. And if this was all that happened out of the experience, it would be more than enough. And since to me laughter is an end in itself, just that would be enough, too.

But leave it to this awesome God that I talk about all the time to bring something else out of this experience for me…

The whole experience has made me think about how God sees me. I think he has a million little nicknames for me based upon his intimate knowledge of me. I don’t know what they all are yet, but I am learning more as I put myself out there enough to discover them. The experience of learning them is precious…I am his Beloved. I am his Workmanship. I am his Bride. I am Captivating. I am Loved.

But I am also Helmet. I think that may just be God’s favorite name for me right now. I think this because it represents my silly and carefree side. And because it represents a growing confidence that comes through him. And because he so loves the women who brought it out in me in the first place. So, right now, I think God is calling me Helmet. And I think that is very cool.

Hey God, it’s me, Helmet…


Anonymous said...

fabulous poem, helmet! i love your words about saying this may be God's favorite name for you right now, esp. since it comes from two women He loves dearly. that's too cool... love you, see you soon!

Bragg said...

look, i don't know where you get this idea that your nickname is 'ass'. i may have called you ass out of frustration one evening, so if it's become a nickname then it's because you created it for yourself in trying to gain pity for something that occured once in passsing.

however, the name 'helmet' is very fitting for the dr. who wishes not to be named in my blog.

Marsha said...

It's not all about you, Two :-)

Others were calling me ass - including Mrs. Maxie. As for my real name, maybe I will come out eventually, but I have my reasons for not. For now, those who know me know who I am, and that is sufficient for me.

Anonymous said...

So it's OK to request only your first name get out, but you'll list other people's last names...hmmm. Very interesting.

The Mrs._____

By the way, see you this evening.

stinkowoman said...

I sold helmets at Children's Hospital for a summer. I think you should know that you are not wearing yours properly. Just an FYI.